Whew, what a weekend! It totally flew by, as it often does, and here I am again, staring down Monday morning with half-finished house projects and half-finished workouts under my belt. I’m linking up with Tara for a Weekend Update recap!
I left off with training and semi-life recaps with Wednesday. READ HERE if you didn’t catch how I avoided “three strikes” with my workouts that week and that day. I love salvaging a workout fail and turning it into a workout win.
Okay, so let’s not talk about Thursday. It just didn’t happen for me with the bike trainer workout I was supposed to do. I was actually in my workout clothes on Thursday night putting the kids to bed. But it was a little crazy…
To give you an idea of how my night went, my personal Facebook status was this:
“It’s 9pm. How much longer will the boys continue shouting?”
Yep, it was bad. My husband was out playing hockey and the boys were wild. Then they finally calmed down and I needed to sit and soothe my youngest, who was having tummy issues. It was well after 9:30-9:45pm when I was done with the “mom” part of my day. I then did some dishes, other chores, wrote my Friday Five post – all sorts of things like that, but no workout.
I went to bed at a decent hour (for me) so that I could make it to Masters Swimming in the morning.
So… on Friday, I overslept Masters Swimming again. I seriously don’t know what is going on – the Vitamin D deficiency still plaguing me? Jet lag and exhaustion from Blogfest? Just being a general workout slacker this past week? Needing more sleep than I usually do for some reason?
I needed a workout though, and I was working from the morning in the office through a concert at night, and wasn’t going to be done until about 11:30pm. So I packed all manner of workout clothes into the trunk of my car – yoga clothes, running gear, cycling shoes – you name it.
I slipped out after the office day and before the evening concert and met Mar at CorePower Yoga for Hot Power Fusion. It was a great class – a total sweat fest, and I loved having a fitness date with a friend so that I was committed.
A free parking space in Georgetown, a workout buddy, a yoga class focused on Gratitude, and a hot shower before returning to work.
Life was good.
The performance that evening went well and I got home just after midnight. Very exhausted.
On Saturday, I had a group run with my Moms Run This Town group. We do a fun run and Starbucks once a month and it’s nice to get to know people after the run while hanging out and having a coffee. I was feeling a little dizzy that morning (not sure why!) so I chatted while walking with some ladies and only ran a little bit. I intended to follow up with a longer run that afternoon, but the rest of the day was spent organizing the bathroom closet, purging clothes, and other necessary things.
Who wears it best?
I was actually in my running clothes most of the day and had the stroller ready to go, but the day just slipped away with projects and kid stuff.
That evening, my husband and daughter went to the Washington Spirit pro women’s soccer game, and I kept the boys home so they didn’t stay out past bedtime. I got them outside on bikes and trikes for a little while before bed but neither was really into it. It was not an easy night with those two!
After they went to sleep, I got on my bike trainer. It was late and I was tired, but it felt great to sweat out the stress of the day!
An hour on that thing at 10pm was enough for me, so it wasn’t the 2 hour outdoor ride my plan called for, but it was what it was.
Sunday was awesome. I had coordinated with some of the LUNA Chix and others to head up to Fort Ritchie for a practice swim. It’s a gorgeous lake and I wanted a chance to actually practice a few things rather than just swimming in open water during a race. I hadn’t done a practice since last year.
Next weekend is the Fort Ritchie Triathlon and they set the practice swim up with a longer course so that we could get more practice in the lake – each loop was 500 meters. I did four laps, so 2220 yards total, but I chatted with people in the water between each lap. So it wasn’t great for continuous swimming practice, but it was really a great experience. On each lap I worked on something different:
- The first lap – I warmed up and got acclimated, focusing on my body position in the water.
- The second lap – I focused on being more streamlined and my rotation with each stroke. This was my fastest lap.
- The third lap – I focused on avoiding slipping into breaststroke every time I felt like I needed a “break”. I used to use breaststroke for recovery, but now I feel like it’s just a bad habit.
- The fourth lap – I tried to just power through since they were closing up the practice swim. My arms were getting fatigued so I knew I had done a good workout, but I’d love to work on building upper body strength and swim endurance.
I made some new friends, and enjoyed spending some time with the LUNA Chix teammates who were there.
Oh and I brought my daughter with me – she had a nice morning reading a book on a blanket under a tree. Such a peaceful morning!
She and I had some great chats on the hour drive each way to/from the lake. She’s headed to a new school this fall and it was a good chance to have some conversations about that.
The rest of the day was spent doing errands and wrangling kids.
We went out to dinner, but midway through the meal I had issues with my three year old. He was having his tummy issues (I’ll spare you the details) and then refused a diaper change. He then had an epic tantrum in the bathroom of the restaurant. It was seriously like nothing I’ve ever experienced with any of the three kids out in public. A huge thanks to my awesome au pair, who stuck with us and was an amazing help as I tried to change a writhing wild-animal-like three year old into a new diaper. There was poop on his shoes, on me, and other places – not a pretty sight!
I finally had to carry him straight from the bathroom through the restaurant and out the front door while he kicked and screamed through the entire place, heads turning.
Then he proceeded to strip off his shorts and diaper on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant.
Good times…
I never even got a sip of the “Sangria Sunday” or ate much of my meal, so my husband made me something like sangria at home, which was awesome! And he put both boys to bed, and they didn’t protest as usual. So at least I got to decompress after that rough experience.
So now it’s Monday. I’m a little worn out from the weekend, rather than feeling refreshed and ready for the start of the week! Here’s hoping things are back on track with my workouts!
What’s one thing you are happy about from your weekend?
The post Open Water Swimming and Epic Meltdowns appeared first on You Signed Up For WHAT?!.